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Monday, September 9, 2013

Sister Spotlight: Nicole B.

Spending nearly 10 hours a day for six weeks straight covered in dirt isn’t what you’d expect a sorority girl to tell you she did this summer. But our sister Nicole Bracewell did just that! She participated in an archeological dig at Kingsley Plantation in Jacksonville that was started back in 1968 by a UF professor by the name of Dr. Fairbanks. Nicole unearthed common artifacts such as ceramics, Native American pottery, iron fragments, beads, and bone (which apparently look like sticks after spending so many years in the ground). This fall Nicole is looking forward to working in a lab where she and the rest of the team will finish analyzing what they found out in the field.

Fun fact: Kingsley Plantation is not your typical slave plantation. Zephaniah Kingsley married a slave, armed his slaves with guns, and did not Christianize them, making it a very unique site!

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