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About Us
Welcome to the Alpha Nu chapter of Phi Mu's blog! Phi Mu was founded in 1852 and ever since then its members have worked hard to live out our three ideals: Love, Honor and Truth.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thank you Mama and Papa!

As our sisters prepare to travel across the country to see relatives for the holidays, we would like to take a moment to say thank you to the two people who make 1152 E. Panhellenic Drive our home away from home. 

Sharon and Don Gaddo have spent the last 10 years as Alpha Nu's house managers. But our sisters don't think of them as "managers". They're our house parents; we know them as Mama and Papa. From day one they went above and beyond in their duties, leaving alumnae and active collegiate members thankful for the time we are given with them.

From hosting trivia competitions, cooking evening snacks and sharing their wisdom at chapter, Mama and Papa are always there for us even when we just need someone to talk to. Some of our seniors took time this week to share why they love Mama and Papa so much.

Stephanie Facompre, PC '10: "Mama Sharon and Papa Don are some of the most giving and selfless people I've ever met. The most amazing part to me is how often they spontaneously reach out to a sister in need. Even before I became close with them, they were there for me during difficult times with unconditional love and support."

Celia Meyer, PC '10: "Papa Don is probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met. I'm sure I'll never meet anyone else who agreed to be a house dad that writes novels and met the Queen. I love spending time with both of them and hearing all of their stories, they've both made Phi Mu feel like my home for four years."

Kirby Newkirk, PC '10: "I love starting my day off talking to Mama Sharon before I leave for class. Whether it is over breakfast or when I am making my coffee, she always takes the time to ask how I have been. I know I can always go to her if I ever need anything. Papa Don always puts a smile on my face when I see him and he calls out 'Hey Commodore, how are ya doin' today?' The amount of time that they spend on this chapter is amazing. We are so blessed to have them as our house parents!"


  1. Mom and Dad were by far and way my favorite part about being a Phi Mu. I miss them so and love them so very much! Our chapter would not be where it is today without their unwavering guidance, love and support! God Bless Mom and Dad!

    -Kate Wallace, PC '03

  2. Mamma Sharon and Pappa Don were my parents away from home. I love them dearly and they are two of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and having in my life. Love them lots!

    - Sasha Muradali, PC '04
