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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Maddie Dedicates her Summer to Children!

Maddie is working this summer in Washington, DC as an intern for national non-profit, KaBOOM!. KaBOOM! is dedicated to giving all children the childhood they deserve. She is working this summer as an intern for the project management team where she travels to communities to build playgrounds!

Maddie says, "The most amazing part of my experience has been watching communities come together to create an amazing result! On build day, we work with over 200 volunteers. We build the playground and dozens of other project such as picnic tables and benches in just 6 hours! I have been lucky to build six playgrounds, in Washington DC, Maryland, 3 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and even one in Canada!"

 Maddie chose this internship because she believes that play is essential to childhood and every child should have a great space to play! She has loved her projects at schools the most as she has gotten the chance to work with teachers who share this excitement to integrate play into the school day!

Maddie is junior elementary education major. She hopes to either teach fourth grade or work at a non-profit relating to youth and community development after graduation. We are so proud of Maddie using her summer to help others, as well as working hard to gain more insight to the needs of children as a future educator.

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