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Monday, July 22, 2013

Sister Spotlight: Kylie B.

Ladybug spotting!

Upon arrival at her cousin’s home in Massena, New York Kylie Braddy found a ladybug on the front railing. Not only are ladybugs the unofficial mascot of Phi Mu, but they are also a sign in Kylie’s family that her grandfather is looking out for them.

This sighting was foreshadowing to an amazing trip filled with white water rafting, catching lightning bugs, fishing as the sun set (and reeling in her first catch!), and swimming in the Hudson River through the Adirondack Mountains!

Kylie toured the town of Massena, soaking up the breathtaking plants and wildlife, and came to an important conclusion: “The trip only reassured me that I absolutely love the small town, country feel and that family is the most important thing in life! I also found out that upstate New York trumps New York City!”

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